GWFM Maturity Model: Global Benchmarking the Future of Organizational Excellence
GWFM introduces the WFM consulting practice area to help the industry and organizations
If your organization is still not witnessing any disruption to grow in the faster face high time for you to get help / just survive with unsolved problems and struggling
Who are the GWFM’s strategic team members? : Few of the top CEOs, CTOs, COOs, CFOs, and Sr. WFM leaders from world-class global organizations
GWFM Strategic Consulting can help to build a profitable WFM Function in the organization.
GWFM Strategic Consulting offerings can help on the following.
Lowering Business & Org RISK of 25% to 35%
Future Fit =75%
Skill currency =85%
Revenue assurance= 60 %to 73%
Gross margin improvement = 14 to 15%
Revenue improvement per employee 25 % to 30%

Benefits of GWFM Maturity Model ™
GWFM Maturity Model ™ is a unique performance improvement framework for competitive organizations that want to achieve high performance with a focus on continuous value creation with revenue assurance.
With the GWFM Maturity Model, CX service providers can create more value for their clients, improve overall Efficiency & drive profitability.
GWFMMM helps organisations discover the factual business value they can deliver by building capability in their workforce and processes.
GWFM MM Implemented means your organization is on track to assuring 3 pillars:- (High Performance, Driving Profitability & Engaging the Workforce).
GWFM MM Certified means your Organization has achieved Global Benchmark and Standardization.
Why GWFM MM? :
Certifying GWFM confers the Organisation’s professional recognition of your standing in the industry, allowing the use of designatory letters.
1. Globally Standardized Model Organization
2. New Brand Positioning Of The Organization
3. Improvement Of The Company’s EconomicValuation
4. Improvement Of Profitability
5. Attract New Business Opportunities.
6. Additional Business Growth With The Existing Clients
7. Attract New Growth Investments And New Investors In The Organization.
8. Attract New Talent And Retain Existing Valuable Talent
9. Future Readiness And Fittest Organization Model Positioning
10. Integration Of Organization Strategy WithBusiness And Talent
11. Improvement Of Workforce Economics: Profitability Per Employee, Highly Optimized Time-To-Time, And Improvement Of Gross Margin
12. Organic Growth In The Organization & Encouragement To Be Best In Class
13. Skill-Based Organisation Modelling And Talent Eco-System