Membership for Tech Product Companies

Membership for WFM Tech solution Companies

GWFM membership in a professional chartered body offers stupendous benefits for WFM product companies, including access to industry expertise, networking opportunities, professional development, accreditation, advocacy, and access to industry research. GWFM Professional Chartered Body is the Biggest WFM Network in the world registered in USA & Canada. GWFM Network Professional Chartered Body is a non-profit professional organization comprising a group of WFM, CXOs, HR, and operation professionals committed to promoting the WFM movement in the global platform and enhancing the capability of human capital professionals to compete globally and thereby create value for society

Benefits of Tech Solutions Product Company’s Membership

Membership of the GWFM confers professional recognition of your standing in the industry,
allowing the use of designatory letters.

GWFM membership in a professional chartered body offers stupendous benefits for WFM product companies, including access to industry expertise, networking opportunities, professional development, accreditation, advocacy, and access to industry research

1)Use of the official designation of the Global WFM Chartered Body (GWFM®) on your profile as well as on your organisation’s website as part of professional membership.

2)Branding at GWFM community: Tech product company’s monthly planned social media and newsletter coverage to reach the worldwide community

3)Spotlight interviews: Yearly  3-4  spotlight interviews with the WFM Tech Company leaders

4)Networking opportunities:  GWFM Chartered body provide a platform for  WFM tech members to network with industry leaders in the WFM field. This can help WFM product companies to build relationships with potential clients, partners, and suppliers.

5)Professional development: Membership in a chartered body can also offer opportunities for professional development in the WFM field, such as training courses, seminars, and conferences. These can help WFM product companies to develop new skills and knowledge and stay current with industry best practices.

6)Accreditation: GWFM chartered body offers accreditation programs that can enhance the credibility and reputation of WFM product companies. For example, a WFM product company that is accredited by a chartered body may be viewed as more trustworthy and reliable by potential clients and partners.

7)Advocacy: GWFM Chartered body often advocates for their members’ interests and can provide a voice for WFM product companies in policy discussions and other industry-related matters.

8)Access to industry research: GWFM chartered body conducts research into various aspects of the WFM field. Membership can provide access to this research, which can help WFM product companies to stay informed about the latest trends and developments in the industry.

9)Joint research conducted on particular topics together to publish reports.

WFM Tech solution players, leverage fast-track competitive edge with GWFM

Membership of the Institute confers professional recognition of your standing in the industry, allowing the use of the designatory letters.

Use of the official designation of the Institute.

Co-create focused events for professional networking.

  Be visible in the trending industry from time to time by showcasing relevant stories to solve business problems.

Accreditation programs can enhance the credibility and reputation of WFM product companies. 




One User

$6200 Per Year



Three Users

$7750 Per Year



Unlimited Users

$10,000 Per Year


Membership of the Institute confers professional recognition of your standing in the industry, allowing the use of the designatory letters.

  • Use of the official designation of the Institute.
  • Invitations to all of our Institute networking events.
  • Access to our Continuous Professional Development program and Online Portal.
  • Access to our job opportunities page, exclusive to members.

Membership Grade

Join us for Your Team Professional Development


Membership of the Institute confers professional recognition of your standing in the industry, allowing the use of the designatory letters.

  • Use of the official designation of the Institute.
  • Invitations to all of our Institute networking events.
  • Access to our Continuous Professional Development program and Online Portal.
  • Access to our job opportunities page, exclusive to members.


Membership of the Institute confers professional recognition of your standing in the industry, allowing the use of the designatory letters.

  • Use of the official designation of the Institute.
  • Invitations to all of our Institute networking events.
  • Access to our Continuous Professional Development program and Online Portal.
  • Access to our job opportunities page, exclusive to members.