WFM Team/Department Leadership – Proactive Environment vs. Reactive Environment (Part I)

In any industry where workforce management principles are applied via a WFM Team/Dept. there is a recognizable difference in the: outputs, turnaround times, and quality of work from workforce management groups that are operating in a lean & agile proactive environment vs. the outputs of workforce management groups operating in a reactive environment.
In addition, you have the responsibility of coaching & mentoring workforce management analysts with vastly different skill sets. Regardless of the size of the lines of business that you are responsible for (300 agents or 3,000 agents) if you are not managing from a place of pro-activity with standard, documented, and published: processes, procedures, trackers, templates, reporting, WFM internal team workflow, etc… what should be a 40-hour work week will very quickly turn into an 80-hour work week … week after week … month after month.
- Research, Define, Document: Exactly what processes/tasks should your WFM Team(s) be responsible for – treat this like a research project … meet with the key members of all of the different departments that work with your team(s), take notes of exactly what they believe your team is responsible for, how they believe they are supposed to contact your team members, what their expectation is of turnaround times for the requests that they are submitting, etc…. request to attend a handful of Agent Team Meetings & ask the agents what they feel the WFM Team’s goals are, what works well with the WFM/WFO Tool(s) they are using, what are their pain points experienced with the WFM/WFO Tool(s) & workforce management in general
- Meet with Your Team(s): Once you have all of the information gathered & documented it is time to make your team members a part of this overall process. J First, meet with them each individually, and have them define their role to you (what tasks to they believe belong them, what training opportunities do they feel they have in relation to these tasks, what pain points do they feel exist on a daily basis, etc…). Once you have completed these individual meetings start having twice weekly Team Meetings with your team to first discuss the perception of what belongs to them – then work together to define:
*Meet with your business partners to review (Operations, Client Services, Recruiting, Training, etc…) – once you have completed the above 2 steps meet with all of your business partners to review & make any necessary changes. This is a great way to build relationships, as you are defining processes with their input, therefore making them a partner vs. dictating to them what must be done & why without taking into consideration factors that you may not be aware of
- Create a WFM Playbook: Create a WFM Playbook for each line of business that your team is responsible for supporting, have a quarterly group meeting with your business partners & team members to review the official Playbook & any and all changes that have been made over the previous 3 months
About Erica Stevens
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