Overview of Outbound Dialer

In an outbound contact center, the most heard word is “Dialler“. In simple words, the dialler is a device which we use to make outbound calls.
I’m sure that all of us would have got at least one call from the banks for credit card, loan etc. or calls from stores regarding their new products.
We would have also experienced some calls where no one would speak on the other sides even after we answered the call. Some calls where the agents are already speaking to someone else. 
These are the results of the use of dialler in the contact centers. 
Today, we are going to look at the different types of Outbound Diallers used in contact centers and how do they work.
1. Manual Dialler
This is the most common type of a dialler. The simplest form of Manual dialler is connecting a telephone line with a phone to the agent’s desk. 
In this method, the agent looks at the number, inputs the number manually and dials them. 
Manual dialler’s main disadvantage is the amount of time taken by the agent to look up the number and dial. 
Once dialled, they have to listed to the ring and proceed, or if the calls isn’t answered, they have to mark the number and remember to dial again.
So, as we see lot of time goes in data cleansing and this affects the agent’s productivity. 
This dialler type is used mostly in the complex call environment where the agent is required to be prepared prior to speaking to customer. 
Being cost effective, this dialler can also be used in small contact centers. 
2. Auto Dialler
As the name says, this is a software bases dialler where the calls as placed automatically. The main reason for having an auto dialler is to get a better productivity. 
There are mainly three types of auto dialler which we will look further below. 
  • Preview Dialler
In this method, the agent has to tell the dialler that he/she is available for the call post customer data being presented to the agent. 
This dialler allows the agent time to preview the customer number and the case history and the agent decides when to place the call. 
Just like the manual dialler, this dialler can also be used for complex call environments. 
The major difference between manual and preview is the time saving of looking up the number and dialling as they are done automatically. If the call isn’t placed, the agent don’t need to remember it as the dialler does the same. 
Also, the agent can manually disconnect the call of it isn’t answered. 
  • Progressive Dialler
In this method also, the agent has to let the dialler know that he is available post which the agent is presented with data. 
But, the call is dialled immediately as soon as the data is presented. 
Calls that are not ringing or reaches voicemail are disconnected immediately and the calls which aren’t answered are disconnected after some prescribed time. 
This type of Dialler reduces the time spent by agent for the call and thus increasing the productivity. 
This dialler can be used in those environment which has less complex calls. 
  • Predictive Dialler
This is the most advanced dialler for an outbound campaign. 
In this type, the calls are dialled automatically and is connected to the live agent as soon as he/she finishes the previous call. 
This dialler is designed also to identify the voicemail and live human interaction and if the call reaches voicemail, the call is disconnected automatically. If the call is answered by actual human, the call is immediately connected to the idle agent. 
If no idle agents are available, the call is disconnected automatically. 
In this dialler, sometimes customers may receive the call with no agents actually available to talk. 
This dialler reduces the idle time to a great extent and keeps the agents busy as much as possible. Therefore maximum productivity is achieved when this dialler is used.
Predictive dialler is mostly suitable for those environment where a large number of calls are to be made in a shorter duration.
Apart from the above three types of dialler, there are many others which are developed recently and are used by the contact center.
Selecting which dialler is suitable depends upon various factors such as the type of calls, time to make the calls, geographical location, budget of the company etc. 
Thank you for reading. 
Stay tuned!! 
Disclaimer: The above article is purely my personal view and doesn’t represent any contact centers. 

To continue reading and learning about outbound check out this post: Applying WFM to Outbound 

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