Free Workforce Management Capacity Plan

As I wrote in a previous blog (CLICK HERE TO READ – My workforce planning journey – the early days), like many other workforce planning professionals I found this career path through wanting to escape from taking customer calls and I am not going to lie at times it has been painful and stressful – when ops are facing a resource crisis all eyes are on us to deliver. However on the whole it has been very rewarding, I continue to grow/learn every day and it has taken me down roads I never thought I would travel (like for example this blog or public speaking), on the way introducing me to some truly creative, hardworking and intelligent human beings.

Following two successful blog interviews in 2012 (CLICK HERE for Adrian Hawes and CLICK HERE for Carlos Muñoz) both of which are horrendously out of date (I really should reach out Adrian and Carlos to update), in the next few weeks I will be posting some new interviews (CLICK HERE TO SUBSCRIBE TO THIS BLOG to ensure you don’t miss out) with some stand out workforce management professionals. However, prior to that I wanted to draw your attention to Marlon Martinez (CLICK HERE for his Linkedin) who is going to truly extra lengths to push the boundaries in the WFM.

Not only is he is one WFMangement’s WhatsApp Group (CLICK HERE if you would like to join)
most active members (always ready with a helping hand to assist with advice to other WFM professionals) he has his own vlog (check out, is teaching himself coding in his spare time whilst simultaneously creating a WFM system from scratch (see below). If that was not enough creating and giving away free Google Doc capacity planning models… all in his spare time I hazard to add.

I have wrote a fair bit in the past about workforce management capacity planning (CLICK HERE to check those Capacity Planning Articles out) but mostly from a theoretical perspective. So as we enter into budget season for many organisations (one of the most busiest periods for a WFM team) here is a practical example of a basic capacity plan (along with descriptions fields and calculation examples to make it a breeze) that you can take apart and learn from.

CLICK HERE for access to a free GoogleDocs Capacity Plan

Feel free to reach out to me or Marlon if you have any questions.

Oh and did I mention that Marlon is developing his own workforce management platform in his spare time – watch this space

Until next time – Peace! / Peace out. 

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