Speaking truth to power at work

Are you able to constructively challenge your ‘superiors’ at work, or are you feeling subjugated in your role?

Businesses thrive when they are made up of people who are more willing to kick some butts, rather than kiss them.

Sycophancy is the enemy of progress and innovation, yet so many businesses are based around a hierarchy that demands more sucking up than encouraging challenging conversations. This is totally counter-intuitive, and something I am actively encouraging our people to push against.

If you think your boss could be doing something better, you should tell them, with two key caveats: It can never be a personal attack or an emotional reaction to something. It needs to be considered and focused on what is right for the greater good of the business.

You can’t do this on gut feeling – you need to put in the groundwork, gather the data, and present it in a compelling form.

If you are doing these two things, there can be no legitimate grounds for your boss to reject your ideas out of hand, nor should they stake a claim to them without ensuring you are given all the credit you deserve and the opportunity to see it through.

This is the culture we are building at ResultsCX, one in which the hierarchy is flat, and enables people with the right ideas, and the evidence to back them, to thrive.

This is how we will win more, together.

Source: GWFM Research & Study

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