Largest ResultsCX Seasonal Ramp Exceeds 100% of AEP Clients’ Conversion Goals

For Managed Medicare health plans, the Annual Enrollment Period (AEP) is vitally important. This window of time, when members choose and switch coverage, determines plans’ financial health during the coming year. It requires every advocate interacting with a potential member to respond with empathy while persuasively and effectively representing the client.
The Challenge:
Main Statement: Medicare Advantage Plan clients gave ResultsCX little extra time to meet forecasted need for their seasonal annual enrollment workforce:
- Largest ever cohort of licensed agents to be hired
- Extensive training required, including compliance
- Juggled state certifications with some having to be earned after AEP’s start
The Solution:
Aggressive hiring targets for licensed agents required a multi-pronged approach:
- Recruitment via three sourcing streams for licensed agents—including some pre-licensed candidates—delivered 117% of goal
- Licensing coordinated the purchase and fulfillment of 30K+ licenses and certificates
- Adjusted pay rates to be more attractive in this market and influence acceptance
- Performance management dashboards ensured near real-time performance updates to facilitate development of high-output agents and support enhanced conversion rates
The Results:
The performance of our largest to date Annual Enrollment team was some of the best ever for clients:
- Over 1,000 licensed agents hired for AEP and OEP, a 91% success rate among all candidates delivered by Talent Acquisition Resources
- 16% Average sales conversion rate across all clients, which includes some clients historically measuring very low single digits on conversions
- 34% conversion rate on average among large healthcare plans
- Gross sales goals met or exceeded for 4 of 5 AEP clients
- 100% of AEP clients exceeded their conversion targets
- #1 Ranking for ResultsCX in every instance against a competitor
- Speed to competency for agents some of the highest experienced by ResultsCX for AEP/OEP
Resource: GWFM Research & Study